- Vaporization

In Aether DBS we believe in choice. We provide different customized solutions for the operations of your business. Our LPG vaporizers have a U-Tube heat exchanger and are adapted to use a variety of steam related techniques to optimize the operations of your business.
Our Steam-FLO series has an intelligent design that allows for the utilization of dry, saturated steam to produce thermal energy. It is easy to operate and control, as it has a thermally controlled steam regulator that allows for the maintenance of the temperature.
If your business requires the use of hot water from an external water heater, our AQUA-FLO LPG vaporizer will meet your needs and demands. The AQUA LPG vaporizer is a perfect fit for large industrial facilities with available hot water.
A U-tube vaporizer available in steam or hot water configuration. The STEAM-FLO SV Series uses dry, saturated steam for thermal energy. A thermally controlled steam regulator maintains the LPG vapor temperatures within a desired range. The AQUA-FLO CWV Series uses hot water from an external hot water heater for the thermal energy for vaporization.
U-TUBE type steam vaporizer | circulation water vaporizer (500-6,000 KG/H OF LPG AT 60B/40P)
U-Stamped ASME Pressure Vessel, per Section VIII, Division 1
Explosion Proof; Chinese Pressure Vessel Approval
Fully insulated with aluminum jacket
Larger industrial, institutional and municipal facilities where excess steam (for how water) is available