Traps and Main Line
- Traps and Main LIne

Sagebrush provides fabricated launchers and receivers or “traps,” for pipeline pigging. Our traps can be equipped for automated or manual loading and launching of pigs. Traps can be skid mounted or shipped as complete stand-alone units. Each prefab option reduces installation time.
To reduce the need for field labor, in sometimes compromising field conditions, Sagebrush provides fabricated Main Line Valve settings (MLV’s) and Valve Value Add services. In each case, special attention to prefab preparation and in-house NDE testing ensures the integrity of valve seats and seals is maintained.
As with every Sagebrush order, strict adherence to customer specifications and applicable codes and standards is paramount and ensures our product meets your expectations.
Fabrication services included or offered for traps and/or MLV’s:
* Engineering & design assistance
* Total turnkey – materials & labor
* Document controls for detailed and timely delivery of data books
* In-house instrumentation & electrical assembly
* In-house NDE – radiography & hydrotesting
* Full Factory Acceptance Testing
* Aftermarket Services
Options include but are not limited to:
* Valve “pup” and additional pipe extensions
* Quick open closures
* Valve stem extensions
* Riser and bypass fabrication
* Full block, blowdown, & piping system assemblies
* Below & above ground coating systems to prevent corrosion
* Sagebrush “Pig Trip” pig signaler(s)
Years of experience with acute focus on quality, customized design expertise, and customer satisfaction, makes Sagebrush the energy industry’s preferred choice for prefabricated launcher/receiver systems, mainline valve settings, and valve value add services.