Utility Backup Equipment
- Renewables
Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG) – Propane Air Mixing System (read more)
Backup for Wind & Solar – Aether Fuel Gas equipment is essential for facilities that back-up renewable wind and solar power generation. Capacity payments and reliability concerns with the intermittent power generated from wind farms and solar fields require reliable “turn on at any time” power generation. The reliable, clean fuel choice for those back-up power systems is natural gas, and Aether fuel gas conditioning systems, which control the temperature, pressure, flow, and quality of the natural gas, are used to make those renewable sites more reliable and functional at critical times.
Peak Shaving – Most utility Customers have interruptible rates for their large customers. This simply means the utilities can turn off or turn down the natural gas supply to those customers during periods of peak demand. In order to “peak shave” these high demand cycles, the utilities utilize Aether SNG systems to supplement their operations. In other cases, the large industrial Customers themselves rely on Aether SNG systems during those peaks to provide a supplemental gas supply that automatically takes over for the incoming gas supply.
Vent Gas Scrubber – Many utilities, and local distribution companies in particular, have valves and regulators that are pneumatically controlled with natural gas from the pipelines themselves. This is effective, but the gas vents to the atmosphere, causing fugitive emissions. Aether’s vent gas scrubber canisters provide an easy, fast retrofit for these systems, so that the venting gas is scrubbed through carbon or other treatment media prior to discharge, reducing emissions and carbon footprint.
Actuation Air Systems – Another option for gas venting is to permanently retrofit the gas-powered pneumatic actuators with an Aether compressed air system, whereby the actuators will run on compressed air supply, completely eliminating the fugitive gas emissions from the regulators or control valves. Aether packages the compressor, instruments, and controls on a skid, ready to plug-and-play at the valve site, permanently reducing the carbon footprint. See our instrument air packages here (Read more).